Oct 27, 2020
Cynthia and Susan are joined by their friend Holly to discuss the biggest elephant in the room. In what ways might polygamy—past, present, and/or future—affect the lives of Latter-day Saint women today?
Oct 20, 2020
Cynthia and Susan share their own experiences, as well as listeners' stories, in an introductory exploration of the current Latter-day Saint approach to modesty. What are the possible unintended consequences of the rules, rhetoric, and culture in which we're raising our young women?
Oct 13, 2020
Dr. Julie Hanks, owner and executive director of Wasatch Family Therapy in Salt Lake City, joins Cynthia and Susan for a discussion about authority. How do we navigate the tension we sometimes experience between the general counsel of Church leaders, and the personal revelation we receive as stewards of our own lives?
Oct 6, 2020
In the first episode of Season 2, Cynthia and Susan consider some of the burdens women carry—in their hearts, their minds, and their bodies—and discuss Mary, the mother of Jesus. She bore an unimaginable weight, but about her remarkable personal journey we have only a few precious clues.