May 26, 2020
On a list of sensitive topics for Latter-day Saints, this one sits very near the top. Susan and Cynthia take a deep breath, and have an honest, heartfelt discussion about the complicated feelings some women may have about the temple.
May 19, 2020
Cynthia and Susan are joined by Jeralee Renshaw for a discussion of "the edge of inside," and how and why many Mormon women choose to be there.
May 12, 2020
When children leave the Church, there can be a lot of heartache and second-guessing for parents. Susan and Cynthia are joined by two friends who share personal stories of the love and growth they experienced when things didn't go the way they'd planned.
May 5, 2020
Being a Latter-day Saint woman comes with a lot of cultural expectations. Cynthia and Susan discuss being yourself, even if that doesn't look anything like someone else thinks it should.