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At Last She Said It

Apr 28, 2020

Cynthia and Susan are joined by Jeralee Renshaw to revisit the life and wisdom of a beloved former leader whose teachings seem more relevant than ever before.

Apr 20, 2020

Will today's young Mormon women be willing to seek a spiritual home within the same patriarchal church structure their mothers and grandmothers have inhabited? Susan and Cynthia discuss how the bridges they've built don't seem to lead to a place younger women want to go. 

Apr 20, 2020

Will today's young Mormon women be willing to seek a spiritual home within the same patriarchal church structure their mothers and grandmothers have inhabited? Susan and Cynthia discuss how the bridges they've built don't seem to lead to a place younger women want to go. 

Apr 14, 2020

Cynthia and Susan are joined by guest Hannah Hinckley for a conversation about the ways in which men and women may approach or experience the Church differently. Hannah's personal experiences offer a vivid illustration of the ways these differences sometimes have a very real impact on the lives of women.

Apr 7, 2020

The multitude tried to silence the blind man's cries for mercy as they passed by in pursuit of Jesus. Their desire to follow Jesus got in the way of their ability to see the needs of the one. Cynthia and Susan discuss lessons they're learning about the importance of stopping, really seeing people, and asking what...